Faculty Activities
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung appointed as a Member of the President’s National Council on Sustainable Development 2024.10.21
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung’s collaboration with Tel Aviv University and Australian National University 2024.09.02
- Prof. Suh-Young Chung’s research collaboration with Tilburg University of the Netherlands 2024.07.25
- Prof. Changrok Soh Participated in the 141st Session of the Human Rights Committee (01 – 23 July, 2024) 2024.07.25
- Prof.Changrok Soh Re-elected as a Member of the UN Human Rights Committee (05/29/2024) 2024.05.30
News & Events
- 유엔인구기금(UNFPA)・대한민국 통계청 공동 주최「제8회 저출생·고령화 국제 심포지엄」 온라인 참가 안내 2024.11.12
- [KDI대학원] Monthly Webinars with the World Bank 2024.11.06
- [KDI국제정책대학원] 리서치 세미나 (Nishith Prakash) 참석 안내 2024.11.06
- 해양-산림 부문의 대규모 국외감축 세미나 2024.11.04
- [통일과나눔] "백지 위에 통일을 그리는 연구자의 밤" 개최 2024.11.04