Faculty Activities
- Prof. Changrok Soh Participated in the 142nd Session of the Human Rights Committee (14 Oct – 7 Nov, 2024) 2024.11.15
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung appointed as a Member of the President’s National Council on Sustainable Development 2024.10.21
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung’s collaboration with Tel Aviv University and Australian National University 2024.09.02
- Prof. Suh-Young Chung’s research collaboration with Tilburg University of the Netherlands 2024.07.25
- Prof. Changrok Soh Participated in the 141st Session of the Human Rights Committee (01 – 23 July, 2024) 2024.07.25

News & Events
- [통일연구원] 2025년 정규직 연구원 공개채용 공고 2025.02.11
- 2025년 국제 해양법 아카데미 2025.02.04
- KU X UNDP 학생 홍보대사 모집 (~2/16) 2025.02.04
- World Bank Group – Bank Internship Program (BIP) Online Events 2025.01.23
- [주한미국대사관] "Diplomats in Action (외교관과의 대화)" 대학생 참여자 모집 2025.01.14