국제대학원 홍보대사
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 조회수 | 등록일 |
3 | KUGA | 922 | 2023.08.30 | |
2 | KUGA | 744 | 2023.08.16 | |
1 | KUGA | 799 | 2023.07.31 |
- KUGA2023.08.30 GSIS Professor Interview Part 3: Master of International Development & Cooperation, Prof. Suh Yong Chung
- KUGA2023.08.16 GSIS Professor Interview Part 2: Master of Arts in International Studies (European Area), Prof. Jae-Seung Lee
- KUGA2023.07.31 GSIS Professor Interview Part 1: International Peace and Security, Prof. Sung-han Kim