고려대학교 국제학부 국제대학원

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Korea University




고려대 국제대학원 학생들은 다섯 개의 석사학위 프로그램, i.e. 국제 통상, 국제개발협력, 국제 평화 & 안보, 지역 연구 그리고 한국학 중 하나를 선택할 수 있다. 모든 교과 과정이 영어로 제공된다. 학생들은 기업, 도시, 국가, 지역 그리고 세계를 둘러싼 긴급한 현안을 정의하는 이론적 틀을 배우고 현안을 다루는 정책 수립 및 평가에 필요한 분석능력을 함양한다.

2년의 교과 과정을 마친 후, 학생들은 다음 중 하나의 학위를 부여 받게 된다.

  • 국제학 석사(국제통상) Master of Arts in International Studies (International Commerce)
  • 국제학 석사(국제개발협력) Master of Arts in International Studies (International Development and Cooperation) 
  • 국제학 석사(국제평화안보) Master of Arts in International Studies (International Peace and Security)
  • 국제학 석사(동아시아지역) Master of Arts in International Studies (East Asian Area)
  • 국제학 석사(유럽지역) Master of Arts in International Studies (European Area)
  • 한국학 석사 Master of Arts in Korean Studies
International Studies
International Studies
Major Introduction
International Commerce The goal of this two-year program is to provide students with an enhanced understanding of international commerce within the process of globalization. Relevant courses will equip students with the skills, knowledge and experiences necessary in the fields of Trade, Finance, Business and Marketing. A wide range of relevant courses include: Macroeconomics, Strategic Management, Electronic Commerce, Multilateral and Regional Cooperation for Economic Development, Foreign Direct Investment, and Money and Banking.
International Development & Cooperation This two-year program deals with relevant issues in international development. Students will explore various aspects of interactions among states, international organizations, aid agencies, and individuals in reducing poverty & inequality, achieving sustainable development, and addressing climate change. IDC professors at GSIS specialize in the following topics: education, climate change, human rights, water, environment, urban studies, gender, poverty and inequality, international trade and FDI, international law, and human development.
International Peace & Security This two-year program provides rigorous and policy-related courses in Global Politics with a special focus on International Peace and Security. A series of courses on international peace and security include: World Politics, International Negotiation, Comparative Foreign Policy, History of International Relations, International Relations in East Asia, Approaches to International Peace, North-South Korea Relations, International Law and Human Rights.
Area Studies This two-year program offers students the opportunity to develop a deep and broad understanding of issues related to various world regions. Area studies at GSIS has a focus on three regions: Europe, Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia. However, further expertise among GSIS faculty allows the (limited) study of other regions such as North America (Canada & US), Sub-Saharan Africa, and Russia.
Korean Studies
Korean Studies
Major Introduction
Korean Studies The Department of Korean Studies at GSIS aims to equip international and domestic students with an enhanced understanding of Korea, including its contemporary social modernization, and economic development. GSIS offers a two-year Master’s degree program. All the courses in the program are taught in English. In addition, high-level Korean language and reading classes are available in Korean for students who want to have intensive training in the Korean language. Current courses include: Modern History of Korea, Social Movement and Political Change, Social Problems in Korea, Korean Economy, Korean Cinema in the Global Context, and Dynamics of Korean Management.

두개 옵션: 논문 트랙 vs 비논문 트랙

석사 학위를 취득하고자 하는 학생들은 논문 트랙 혹은 비논문 트랙을 선택해야 하며, 각각의 기준을 충족시켜야 한다.

논문 트랙

논문 트랙을 선택한 학생들은 최소 39 학점을 (Thesis Research I을 포함한) 취득해야 한다. 학생들은 논문을 준비하고 제출해야 하므로, 3학기에 논문 지도교수의 Thesis Research I 을 수강해야만 한다. 논문 트랙을 선택한 학생들은 Thesis Research I 에 함께 하고자 하는 교수님께 3학기 시작 전 연락을 취해야 한다.

Curriculum Structure & Credits (Thesis Track)
Curriculum Structure & Credits (Thesis Track)
Department Core
General Elective Total
International Studies 6 9 15 6 3 39
Korean Studies 21   9   9 39

For Area Studies major, choose courses from other majors (IC, IDC, IPS)

Process of thesis writing:

  • 3rd Semester: Thesis Research I course, Thesis Proposal Presentation
  • 4th Semester: Thesis Defense
비논문 트랙

비논문 트랙 학생들은 논문을 제출할 필요가 없으므로 Thesis Research I 을 수강하지 않아도 된다. 대신, 학생들은 Major Elective을 추가적으로 6학점을 취득해야 한다.

Curriculum Structure & Credits (Non-Thesis Track)
Curriculum Structure & Credits (Thesis Track)
Department Core
General Elective Total
International Studies 3 9 21 6 3 42
Korean Studies 18   15   9 42

For Area Studies major, choose courses from other majors (IC, IDC, IPS)

국제대학원 수업

아래 표는 국제대학원에서 제공하는 전공별 수업 목록이다. 학제간 연계가 두드러지는 국제대학원 특성상, 많은 수업이 여러 프로그램에서 교차 제공된다. Major Elective 수업의 교차 목록을 포함하 상세한 사항은 여기서 다운받을 수 있다 HERE.

International Studies
International Studies
Major Course List
International Commerce International Economics / International Business / Global Marketing / Corporate Analysis / Strategic Management / International Finance / International Financial Market / Macroeconomics / Digital Economics / Theory and Practice of Economic Integration / International Economic Organizations / Special Topics in International Commerce / Current Issues in International Commerce / International Economic Law / International Trade Policy / Korean Finance and Tax Policy / East Asian Trade and Investment / EU Economy / The Japanese Economy / Southeast Asian Economy / African Economy / Research Methods
International Development & Cooperation Introduction to International Development & Cooperation / International Development Assistance: Institutions and Policies / International Organizations / Seminar on Global Governance / Comparative Societies / Dynamics of Globalization / Policy Evaluation / Gender and Development / Political Economy of Energy / Resource Management / Urban Development / Human Rights and Human Security in Asia / International Human Rights Organizations / Business and Human Rights / Special Topics in Human Rights / Special Topics in Global Environment / Law and Politics of Climate Change / Seminar on Trade and Environment / Multilateral and Regional Cooperation for Economic Development / Economic Development / International Development Organizations / International Development Program and Project / Planning for Uncertainty and Risk / Mainstreaming Risk Management in Development / Understanding Africa / Southeast Asian Economy / Environment and Development in China / Research Methods
International Peace & Security World Politics / National Competitiveness Seminar / History of International Relations / Seminar in International Relations / Issues in World Politics / International Political Economy / Case Studies of International Relations / Globalization and Global Issues / Game Theory / Approaches to International Peace / Mass Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy / International Conflict Analysis and Management / National Security and Strategic Studies / Human Security / Future of War / North-South Korean Relations / International Relations in East Asia / Political Economy on Energy / Policy Evaluation / East Asia in War and Peace / Special Topics in International Peace and Security / Research Methods
Area Studies International Relations in East Asia / East Asian Trade and Investment / Environment and Development of East Asia / ASEAN and Southeast Asia / The U.S. Foreign Policy / EU Economy / Inter-States Relations of the EU / Politics of the European Union / European Society and Culture / Special Topics in EU Studies / Korean Culture / Social Change in Korea / Korean Economy / The Japanese Economy / Japanese Foreign Policy / Japanese Society and Culture / Special Topics in Japanese Studies / Environment and Development in China / Special Topics in Chinese Studies / East Asia in War and Peace / Southeast Asian Economy / Politics of Southeast Asia / Understanding Africa / African Economy / Special Topics in Regional Studies / Research Methods
Korean Studies
Korean Studies
Specialization Course List
Korean Studies Contemporary Korean Society / Modern History of Korea / Korean Culture / Korean Language I - III / Special Topics in Korean Society and Culture / Korean Cinema in a Global Context / History of Korean Art / Korean Aesthetics / Religion in Korea / Social Change in Korea / Korea-U.S. Relations / Korean-Japanese Relations / Korean Diaspora / Korea in the Era of Globalization / Advanced Readings in Korean / Readings in Korean / Korean Economy / Special Topics in Korean Economy / Research Methods

학기별 상세 수업 목록을 확인하고자 하는 학생은 여기서 HERE 확인하거나 영어 메뉴 아래 “Graduate School Courses”를 클릭하여 “Graduate School of International Studies” 항목에서 확인할 수 있다. 여기서 각 수업의 강의 계획서를 다운받을 수 있다. 고려대 국제대학원의 학생들은 서울 소재 타 국제대학원의 수업을 수강할 수도 있다. (서울대, 연세대, 이화여대, 서강대, 중앙대, 한국외대, 한양대)