석사과정 수료생 | 박사과정 수료생 | |
내국인 | 선택 | 선택 |
외국인 | 필수 | 필수 |
※ 내국인 박사과정은 학위논문 제출학기에는 반드시 수료연구 및 학위청구 등록금을 납부해야 합니다.
: 본교 등록금심의위원회의 결정에 따라, 2024학년도 수료연구등록금 및 학위청구등록금은 아래와 같으므로 참고 바랍니다.
Tuition Fee Payment for ‘Completed-Research Student’
▷Please find attached for more details.
1) It is applicable to the ‘Completed-Research Students’ of Korean (PhD) and International (MA & PhD) students at KU GSIS.
2) Payment Period
① Regular/Final Tuition Payment Period in the beginning of the semester
② 2024.09.10-2024.09.12
3) Payment Method
① Regular/Final Tuition Payment Period in the beginning of the semester
Print the tuition bill link click and make a wire transfer to your virtual account.
② (and or) after the thesis submission application period
Print the tuition bill link click and make a wire transfer to your virtual account.
4) Tuition Fee
: According to the Tuition Deliberation Committee’s decision, the Research Guidance Fee and
Degree Conferral Fee for academic year of 2024 are as below.
※ Research Semester(s) after Coursework Completion:
Pay 7% of GSIS tuition fee during the regular/final tuition payment period in the beginning of the semester. If you miss this period, you will have a chance to pay 7% of GSIS tuition fee in the 5% of GSIS tuition fee payment period.
※ Final Semester for Thesis Submission:
1) Pay 7% of GSIS tuition fee during the regular/final tuition payment period in the beginning of the semester and then 2) pay 5% of GSIS tuition fee after the thesis submission application period.
※ The tuition is non-refundable for any reason.
5) IRC014 TUTORIAL RESEARCH AFTER COMPLETION OF COURSE WORK is listed for the Completed-Research students. GSIS Administration Office will register this course for the students after their Completed-Research tuition payment period.