GC REAIM 심포지움 : AI 기술의 책임있는 군사적 활용에 관한 도전과 전망

()서울국제법연구원은 네덜란드 HCSS(The Hague Centre of Strategic 

Studies) 9 12(오전 10시 영원무역 명동사옥 강당에서 GC REAIM 심포지움을 개최합니다.

일시 : 9 12(오전 10

장소 : 영원무역 명동빌딩 지하5층 강당

주소 : 서울시 중구 퇴계로 128

사용언어 : 영어

주최 : (서울국제법연구원, HCSS(The Hague Centre of Strategic Studies)

문의 : (서울국제법연구원 sila@sila.or.kr

GC REAIM Symposium: Challenges and Prospects of Responsible Military Use of AI Technology

The Seoul International Law Foundation (SILF), in collaboration with the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), will host the GC REAIM Symposium on September 12th (Thursday) at 10:00 AM. The event will take place at the auditorium of the Youngone Trading Myeongdong Building.

Date and Time: September 12th (Thursday) at 10:00 AM

Location: Auditorium, B5 Floor, Youngone Trading Myeongdong Building

Address: 128 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul

Language: English

Hosted by: Seoul International Law Foundation, HCSS

Contact: Seoul International Law Foundation, sila@sila.or.kr