[Registration of Vaccination Status of Non-Korean Nationals Vaccinated Abroad] 
Non-Korean nationals with no quarantine exemption are allowed to be registered for their vaccination status as well as receive a third shot and the benefit of a vaccine pass starting from Dec 9, 2021. (WHO approved vaccines only) 
Reference http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en/tcmBoardView.do?brdId=12&brdGubun=125&dataGubun=&ncvContSeq=6180&co ntSeq=6180&board_id=&gubun= 
Please read the following guideline carefully and check what is applicable to you. 
[Registration of Vaccination Status of Non-Korean Nationals Vaccinated Abroad] 
■ For registration, non-Korean nationals have to submit their proof of identification (e.g. an ARC, a passport) and a vaccination certificate issued from abroad to a Community Health Center.  * Registration with ARC(*recommended) : online vaccination certificate on COOV will be issued  * Registration with passport : printed vaccination certificate(paper) will be issued 
■ Those who receive a third shot(booster) in Korea will be exempt from quarantine when re-entering the border or after having come into close contact with confirmed cases. (Only if your PCR test result is negative) 
1. Vaccinated Abroad 
 A. Fully vaccinated abroad 
1. Fully vaccinated (First and Second) 
 : Visit the nearest community health center to register → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
 * If the date of your visit to a community health center is within 6 months from the date of your second shot, you will receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. 
 * If the date of your visit to a community health center is after 6months from the date of your second shot, you must receive a third shot after registration to receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. 
2. Fully vaccinated (First and Second) + Third shot (booster) 
 : Visit the nearest community health center to register → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
   * As you did not receive a third shot(booster) in Korea, you will not be exempt from quarantine when reentering the border or after having come into close contact with confirmed cases. 
 B. Unvaccinated or Partially vaccinated abroad 
1. Partially vaccinated (First shot) 
 : Visit the nearest community health center to register → Receive a second shot → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
2. Unvaccinated 
   : Those who wish to get vaccinated, please visit the center with your ID proof (ARC or Passport)  
2. Vaccinated Abroad + in Korea 
 A. First (Abroad) + Second (in Korea) 
 : Already registered when getting a second dose → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
 B. First (in Korea) + Second (Abroad) 
: Visit the nearest community health center to register → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
* If the date of your visit to a community health center is within 6 months from the date of your second shot, you will receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. 
 * If the date of your visit to a community health center is after 6months from the date of your second shot, you must receive a third shot after registration to receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. 
 C. First, Second (Abroad) + Third (in Korea) 
: Already registered when getting a third dose → Receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate 
: Will be exempt from quarantine when re-entering the border or after having come into close contact with confirmed cases. (Only if your PCR test result is negative)