고려대학교 국제학부 국제대학원

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Korea University




국제통상학 박사(국제통상 전공) (Doctor of Philosophy in International Commerce)

The doctoral program in international commerce combines economic and business theories with quantitative and econometric methods to address real-world challenges. This holistic approach provides students with a deep understanding of international economics, business, and finance. The research topics are not limited to traditional international economics and business subjects such as Free Trade Agreements (FTA), World Trade Organization (WTO) structures, trade conflict resolutions, the international economic aspects of climate change, foreign aids, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and international portfolio investment. They also encompass the impact of emerging technologies (AI, robotics, e-commerce), international marketing, e-business, international labor markets, as well as open macroeconomics. The doctoral graduates will be equipped with empirical analysis capabilities and posited to pursue careers as international commerce issue experts and data analysis specialists in various fields, including academia, economic and business research institutes, international organizations, and private sectors.

국제관계학 박사(국제관계 전공) (Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations)
  • Situated in the heart of the Asia-Pacific region, the Republic of Korea has long played a pivotal role in shaping and responding to significant developments in international relations. The Doctoral Program in International Relations at KU GSIS is designed for aspiring students with a keen interest in the broadly defined field of International Relations. Our program offers a broad spectrum of themes and methodological approaches, spanning from theoretical exploration of macro-level structural issues to the meticulous crafting of micro-level empirical research. We also pursue teaching and research with strong policy relevance. Potential research topics encompass, but are not limited to, international peace and security, international political economy, foreign policy, international law, and global governance, particularly within the context of human rights and sustainable development.
  • 국제개발학 박사(국제개발 전공) (Doctor of Philosophy in International Development)
    • As a prime example of rapid economic growth and development and the world’s first aid-recipient-turned-donor country, the Republic of Korea is a leader in development studies in Asia. And KU GSIS is at the forefront. Our doctoral program in international development targets young scholars interested in cutting-edge research and practice. From global macro issues to carefully-crafted micro research, KU GSIS offers specializations across a range of development research, including sustainable development, international trade and economic development, multilateral and regional cooperation, international organizations, human rights, water, poverty, inequality, social justice, urban development, climate change, energy security, gender, education, and migration.
    • 한국학 박사(한국학 전공) (Doctor of Philosophy in Korean Studies)
      • Korean society today is marked by astonishing economic growth, successful democratization and globally consumed “K-culture,” offering a unique site to explore the historical impact and social dynamics of colonialism, the Korean War, the Cold War and globalization. The Doctoral Program of Korean Studies at KU GSIS offers opportunities for students interested in the transformation of Korea with multidisciplinary approaches from sociology, political science, economics, history and cultural studies. With an emphasis on cutting-edge research themes, comparative perspectives and innovative methodologies, the program provides a platform to research contemporary issues in Korea, including political transitions, industrial innovations, and social transformations within the context of shifting global challenges. The courses in the program are offered in English with opportunities for high-level Korean language and reading classes for students who prefer intensive language training. Our students work closely with their advisor to develop original, future-oriented research programs that leverage students’ skills, interests, experience, and knowledge.

교과 과정 구성 및 강좌 개설

Curriculum Structure
Curriculum Structure
Type of Course Required Credits
Core Courses 9
Major Required Courses 9
Major Elective Courses 12
General Elective Courses 6
Total 36

국제대학원 박사과정 학생들은 정해진 커리큘럼을 이수해야 하며 박사 논문을 제출하고 심사에 통과해야 한다. 학생들은 국제대학원에서 제공하는 다양한 과목들을 수강할 수 있다.

  1. 다음과 같은 필수 과목은 박사생들을 위해 설계되었고 저녁시간에 제공된다.
    • Advanced Seminar in International Development & Cooperation
    • Advanced Seminar in International Commerce
    • Advanced Seminar in International Peace and Security
    • Advanced Seminar in East Asian Studies
    • Advanced Seminar on Globalization and Global Problems
    • Advanced Seminar in European Studies
    • Advanced Research Methods
  2. 학기별 상세 수업 목록을 확인하고자 하는 학생은 여기서 (HERE) 확인하거나 영어 메뉴 아래 “Graduate School Courses” 를 클릭하여 “ Graduate School of International Studies” 항목에서 확인 할 수 있다. 여기서 각 수업의 강의 계획서도 다운받을 수 있다.
  3. Elective Course 요건을 충족시키기 위해 많은 석사 수업이 열린다. 석사 Major Elective Course와 교차 과목 목록은 여기서 (HERE) 확인 가능하다.
  4. 국제대학원 학생은 서울 소재 타 국제대학원 수업을 수강할 수 있다. (서울대, 연세대, 이화여대, 서강대, 중앙대, 한국외대, 한양대)