학적부기재사항 정정

1. 기본인적사항(주소,전화번호,휴대폰번호 등) 

- 본인: 포탈 로그인 후 학적/졸업 → 학적사항 → 학적사항수정 메뉴에서 변경

- 보호자(학부모): 소속학과(부) 행정실에 직접 요청

2. 영문성명(신규등록/변경)

- 제출서류: 학적부 기재사항 정정원 1부, 신분증(여권) 사본 1통

대상별 제출방법:

- (1) 재학생: 국제학부 행정실 방문제출 / 이메일 제출 (dis@korea.ac.kr)

- (2) 졸업생: One-Stop 서비스센터 

- 이메일: onestop1@korea.ac.kr (인문사회계)

- 팩스: 02-929-2380 (인문사회계)

3. 개명 주민등록 번호 정정 

제출서류: 학적부 기재사항 정정원 1부, 주민등록초본(정정내역 표기), 신분증(양면)사본 1통

- 대상별 제출방법:

- (1) 재학생: 국제학부 행정실 방문제출 / 이메일 제출 (dis@korea.ac.kr)

- (2) 졸업생: One-Stop 서비스센터 

- 이메일: onestop1@korea.ac.kr (인문사회계)

- 팩스: 02-929-2380 (인문사회계)

4. 75학번 이전 졸업생 주민등록번호정정

- 제출서류: 학적부 기재사항 정정원 1부 , 신분증(여권) 사본 1통

- 제출방법: One-stop 서비스센터 팩스로 제출

- FAX : 02-929-2380(인문사회계)

Correction of Information in the School Register

1. Personal Information (address, phone number, cell phone number, etc.)

1) Student: Make corrections in the following menu on KU Portal:

Log in to KU Portal a Registration & Graduation  → University Registration → 

Edit University Registration 

2) Guardian (Parents): request to the DIS office 

2. English Name (New registration or Revision)

1) Required documents

The request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register,

a copy of student’s Identification Card (Passport)

2) Submission Method by Subject:

(1) Enrolled Students: Submit the required documents to the CIS office in person / via email (dis@korea.ac.kr)

(2) Graduates: Submit the required documents to the One-Stop Service Center.

- Email: onestop1@korea.ac.kr (Humanities and Social Sciences)

- Fax: 02-929-2380 (Humanities and Social Sciences)

3. Name change and correction of resident registration number

1) Required documents: 

The request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register

an abstract of the resident registration (with corrected information), and 

a copy of the identification card (both sides)

2) Submission Method by Subject:

(1) Enrolled Students: Submit the required documents to the CIS office in person / via email (dis@korea.ac.kr)

(2) Graduates: Submit the required documents to the One-Stop Service Center.

- Email: onestop1@korea.ac.kr (Humanities and Social Sciences)

- Fax: 02-929-2380 (Humanities and Social Sciences)

4. Correction of Resident Registration Number for graduates admitted to the 

    university in 1975 or earlier

1) Required documents: 

The request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register

a copy of Identification Card (Passport)

2) Submission Method: Fax the required documents to the One-Stop Service Center

- Fax: 02-929-2380 (Humanities and Social Sciences)